.:: Media
"All media as extensions of ourselves serve to provide new transforming vision and awareness."
----> Marshall McLuhan
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Just me and my life and my thoughts and my things, everyday, for everyone interested in..
"All media as extensions of ourselves serve to provide new transforming vision and awareness."
"Pro-anorexia websites showcase disturbing photos, commandments on being skinny and more. They normalize and encourage dangerous behavior relating to eating disorders.
Very interesting website :
The leit-motiv of my last weeks. Have you ever heard about it?
A Chinese writer, Qian Fuchang, has cut down his novel ('Outside the Fortress Besieged') into bite-sized chunks for transmission by text message.
I think my parents are the only persons I don't need to call...they're always calling me!!
"Non si può perdere niente se niente in fondo si è mai avuto"...sorry for the Italian.
..what to say? First of all, I think it will be better to present my self: