.:: Smoking chains
"Six degrees of smoking" is a global artistic collaboration which consists in distributing free lighters to those who wish to be involved. The recipient then photographs themselves smoking a cigarette and submits it via MMS or email. He then passes the lighter on to a fellow smoker (either a friend or a stranger) and the process is repeated. Each lighter is numbered and so they can be tracked on their travels.
Isn't it cool? I know for many people it will be horrible because can be a sort of supporting effect on smokers..but I don't seriously think smokers will smoke more thanks to this project..I think it could just be really cool to see how people can connect each other and objects can have incredibly adventurous lives.
This reminds me of BookCrossing...well it's the same way of tracing object's lives..
[via textually.org]
u are right! it's cool but a little bit politically uncorrect (which is a feature about which I don't give a shit). How come a 21 years old girl from Italy can speak such good english? mmm it's quite a mistery isn't it?
Yes I know, I'm not included in the "italians-do-not-speak-English-at-all" and "21-years-old-girls-think-only-about-guys-and-clothes" common places..maybe I'm the exception that confirms the rule..;-)
Thanx for passing by..
But...I've just seen your blog..you're italian, aren't you?!
yes I am! And I would add "unfortunately" though I have no idea where I would really like to settle down ... ciaooooo
if u were here (Liverpool, uk), where is a cold and gray day, wondering about how to go to the TATE gallery (there is a TATE gallery also in Liverpool) you would be very happy to be in Italy. *smile*
senti ma hai appeso la tastiera al chiodo?
l'avevo fatto..ma rieccomi.
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