.:: Notte della Taranta's VideoBlog!
Maybe most of you won't understand what's this about. I'll try to explain it, in some way.
"La Notte della Taranta" is the largest festival musical in the grecian part of Salento (the last part of Puglia region, in Italy) dedicated to the recovery of the traditional dance called "pizzica salentina" and to its fusion with other musical languages.
The "pizzica" is the traditional music from this area and originally used to accompany the ancient ritual of cure from the imaginary bite of the "tarantola", the dangerous and poisonous spider. The tradition wants that in order to free the victim, usually a woman, the "tamburelli"(small drums) were played incessantly to whirling rhythm until she wasn't free from the charm. An obsessive and repetitive dance was accompanied to the sound of the drums and contributed to exaust the poison.
The obsession of the rhythm in music and the dance survive still today and in this manifestation you can feel it deeply.
Now, the festival, which has been, like every year, in Melpignano (Lecce) since the 12nd to the 27th of August, this year has had a blog and a video blog too! This is absolutely incredible for me, because I still consider the South of Italy a place out of this digitalized world...I don't know if I have to be happy about it, for the incredible chance that offers to the rest of the worl of seeing our incredible traditions, or being scared by the dangerous approaching of the technology to this enchanted world..Anyway, the video blog it's great!